
belongs to the south. Learn more about belongs to the south.

  • What kind of vegetables does the latest chili belong to?

    What kind of vegetables does the latest chili belong to?

    Do you know what kind of vegetables we often eat chili peppers? Chili peppers were first produced in South America, and chili peppers are cultivated everywhere in China. Chili peppers are so spicy that ordinary people can't eat them, but in China, the people who know how to eat chili peppers best belong to

    2020-11-10 The latest chili belong to what class vegetables you you know we
  • What are the benefits and effects of home planting?

    What are the benefits and effects of home planting?

    Triangle plum, alias: bougainvillea, trifoliate plum, Mao Baojin, azalea, triangle flower, bougainvillea, bougainvillea, paper flower, South American jasmine, etc. It is an evergreen climbing shrub. Like warm and humid climate, not cold, above 3℃ can safely winter, above 15℃ can bloom. Love plenty of light

  • What kind of vegetables does chili belong to?

    What kind of vegetables does chili belong to?

    What kind of vegetables does chili belong to?

  • What kind of orchid does golden child prodigy belong to? Golden child prodigy orchid price Jianlan gold child prodigy fragrance?

    What kind of orchid does golden child prodigy belong to? Golden child prodigy orchid price Jianlan gold child prodigy fragrance?

    The golden child prodigy is also known as the golden boy crown, the little golden boy and the yellow flower heart orchid. Compound stem ground orchid, hybrid. It belongs to a variety of Jianlan. It is a common hybrid orchid variety in the orchid market at present. The distribution ranges from Japan and South Korea to China, Taiwan and India.

    2019-03-20 Gold little child prodigy belong to what orchid price Jianlan
  • Can Pan-Fried Mackerel be farmed artificially?

    Can Pan-Fried Mackerel be farmed artificially?

    Can Pan-Fried Mackerel be farmed artificially?

  • Introduction to the list of the top ten venomous snakes in the world!

    Introduction to the list of the top ten venomous snakes in the world!

    Snake is a warm and cold-blooded animal, and it is also one of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. It is generally divided into non-poisonous snakes and poisonous snakes. Some poisonous snakes can secrete venom and poison people or animals who have been bitten. There are many kinds of poisonous snakes in the world. Here are the top ten venomous snakes in the world.

    2020-11-11 World Top Ten Viper list introduction Snake Yes temperature change Animals
  • What are the regions of rice production in Guangdong? What are the characteristics of each?

    What are the regions of rice production in Guangdong? What are the characteristics of each?

    Guangdong Province is bordered by the Nanling Mountains in the north and the South China Sea in the south. Rice is grown in vast areas ranging from tidal fields at flat sea level to mountain terraces thousands of meters above sea level. Guangdong has a monsoon subtropical and tropical climate. The safe growth period of rice is 220-280 days in most places. The rice cropping season is long, such as early rice in Guangzhou, sowing in early March and harvesting in mid-July; typical late rice varieties are sown in late June, heading around October 10, and harvested in mid-November. The rainfall is abundant and the sunshine hours are long. All these conditions are beneficial to the growth of rice.

  • Can Luohansong be planted outdoors in Shandong?

    Can Luohansong be planted outdoors in Shandong?

    As we all know, although Luohansong has high ornamental value, it is not only suitable for landscaping, but also used as a potted plant, but it is also an excellent tree species for making bonsai. However, Luo Hansong prefers warmth and light, so it is very suitable for planting in the south of China, while the temperature in the north is too low in winter.

  • What kinds of cycads do you have?

    What kinds of cycads do you have?

    Cycas is a rare plant group in the world. There are 24 species in existence. The most common ones in gardens are South China Cycas, Sichuan Cycas, Panzhihua Cycas, Diffusion Cycas, Cycas multifida, Cycas zemi, etc.

  • Introduction to the grades and types of mahogany

    Introduction to the grades and types of mahogany

    Mahogany belongs to the genus Leguminosae in tropical areas, which is mostly produced in tropical and subtropical areas. Guangdong, Yunnan and Nanyang Islands in China also produce mahogany, which is a common valuable hardwood. Mahogany made of mahogany has an antique style, so it is welcomed by many consumers.

    2020-11-27 Mahogany of grade and species introduction mahogany tropical
  • Luck | the red flowers in the home are full of peach blossoms.

    Luck | the red flowers in the home are full of peach blossoms.

    As we all know, the family raises rich bamboo, rich trees and other plants, can be prosperous, then do you know that the color of flowers will also affect your feng shui? Today, Huahua will introduce to you the relationship between flower color and luck! The eastern position.

  • Culture method of Panlong fragrant flower

    Culture method of Panlong fragrant flower

    Panlong fragrant flower is a common potted plant, which is planted by many people. Let's learn the breeding method of Panlong fragrant flower. First, the basic introduction of Panlong fragrant flowers is called Luoshi, which belongs to the family Apocynaceae and belongs to evergreen woody vines. Pan long

    2020-11-08 Pan long incense flower culture method pan long fragrant flower yes common
  • Xinwanjiao No. 1

    Xinwanjiao No. 1

    1. The pepper variety "Xinwanjiao No. 1", which is the most suitable for delayed cultivation in autumn. The hybrid belongs to rake tooth type, the fruit length can reach 18 cm 20 cm, the longest is 25 cm, the average weight of single fruit is 80 cm 120 g, the green fruit is dark green, the pulp is 0.35 cm thick, the quality is excellent and the spicy taste is moderate. The old ripe fruit is bright red. The maturity is middle and early, the yield is high, 667 square meters, the output is 3500-4000 kg. The resistance is strong, the plant growth is robust, the plant height is 70cm 80 cm, the development degree is 50 cm. Anti-viral disease and blight

  • Herbaceous plant-- purple jasmine

    Herbaceous plant-- purple jasmine

    Purple jasmine: herbs, up to 1 meter high. Roots chubby, obconic, black or dark brown. Stem erect, Terete, much branched, glabrous or sparsely pilose, nodes slightly inflated. Leaf blade ovate or ovate-triangular, entire, both sides glabrous.

  • What kind of fish is a tiger fish?

    What kind of fish is a tiger fish?

    Tiger fish belong to offshore bottom fish, and their body color varies with depth, generally dark brown in coastal shallow waters and red or yellow in deep waters of the open sea. Do you know what it looks like? What kinds do you have? What does the tiger fish look like? Old

    2020-11-11 Tiger fish what is it tiger belong to offshore bottom miscellaneous fish
  • Control measures of yellow leaf disease (shedding disease) of Chinese cabbage

    Control measures of yellow leaf disease (shedding disease) of Chinese cabbage

    Chinese cabbage yellow leaf disease is a general term for fungal yellow leaf disease of Chinese cabbage. Chinese cabbage, yellow bud white and other Chinese cabbage, pakchoi and yellow leaf disease occur from north to south. The disease occurred in the seedling stage. The harmful fungus mustard is Fusarium oxysporum, which belongs to the subphylum of semisciferous bacteria. The disease can be sprayed or in the field.

  • Can geese swim?

    Can geese swim?

    Can geese swim?

  • What's the difference between melon and cantaloupe? Is it cold or hot? How much half a kilo?

    What's the difference between melon and cantaloupe? Is it cold or hot? How much half a kilo?

    We often hear about melons and melons on the market, so what's the difference between melons and melons? Is it cold or hot? How much half a kilo? According to the relevant information, cantaloupe and melon do belong to one kind of fruit, and the reason why they are divided into two

    2020-11-09 Melon and cantaloupe there is what the difference yes cold or
  • Culture methods of tequila

    Culture methods of tequila

    Culture methods of tequila

  • Ophiocephalus Argus, a valuable nourishing fish in South China

    Ophiocephalus Argus, a valuable nourishing fish in South China

    The snakehead (Channaasiatica) belongs to Perciformes, Perciformes, Cephalidae and Ophiocephalus. Commonly known as: seven-star fish, mountain flower fish, mountain grouper, scale fish, star fish; Guangxi: star fish, Zhang male fish; Taiwan: the right generation. English name: Snakehead,Chinafish. Shaped like a snakehead. The head is large and broad, the kiss is short and round, the mouth is large, and the nasal tube is thick, extending forward over the upper lip. The scales are larger, the scales on the top of the head are enlarged but irregular, and the scales on the side of the head are also larger. Dorsal fin and anal fin
